What do the colors on a mood ring mean?

What does the color on a mood ring mean?
Though these mood rings are very entertaining and fun to wear, it’s important as a preface to our mood ring color descriptions, to keep in mind that a mood ring changes color by reacting to the temperature of your body. It’s your bodies’ heat that changes the temperature. "Well then why wear one" you may ask. Your body tends to heat up in moments of excitement, cools when calm, and constricts when stressed. It’s due to these very physical and involuntary reactions that we are able to somewhat gauge someone’s feelings by their mood rings color. In this sense, your colored mood ring is accurate in reading your bodies wants, desires, and needs..

What does green mean on a mood ring?
Ever heard of the saying, "green with envy"? There are mixed answers on what the green mood ring color means. Since the green mood ring color is the result of a slightly cooler body temperature, there are different things to consider when looking for the cause and effect. If you’re in a colder climate your body will react to its surroundings, and this will of course cause a green to darker green colored mood ring. If you know it’s not the room temperature(which is always the first culprit), then you may start to ask yourself other questions.
Certain people may experience a green mood ring when their circulation slows due to inactivity over a period of time. Have you been sitting at your desk long? You should get up and walk around. This inactivity can cause your mood ring to become green. Though we often hear the saying green with envy, it’s just a fun phrase to use in our language. Your mood ring does not become green because you’re feeling envious of your neighbors meticulously kept lawn or brand new car.
The most commonly associated green mood ring meaning that makes the most logical sense, is the feeling of alertness or anxiety mixed with sensitivity. Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech? Can you remember the feeling of your heart pumping, but being amazed to watch yourself sweat while remarkably feeling cold? That’s an incredibly weird feeling right? Hearing something to make yourself feel upset(not to be misconstrued as anger) causes this physical reaction of slight stress mixed with anxiety too. This is why your heart pumps and you feel warm, but your body sweats and cools you back down. The same could be said if you heard a friend getting in trouble with their teacher, or even if a client yells at you on the phone. This slightly agitated, but not yet angry state of being, results in a green tinted ring. Clammy hands – clammy frog-colored mood ring.
Now before you spend the next hour trying to figure out what’s upset you so badly, are you sure the room isn’t cold? Just a reminder!

What does blue mean on a mood ring?
Blue on a mood ring means that the wearer is calm and neutral. In a state of relaxation your body will be at a normal temperature, given that the room isn’t overly hot or cold. With no agitations to boil your blood, you should remain at a normal standard body temperature. This standardized body temperature most commonly results in a light blue tint in your mood ring. This is why the blue mood ring meaning is commonly associated with a Zen state of mind, along with peace, and serenity. It’s due to all of these reasons that the blue mood ring is the most common mood ring color to see, other than green.
If your blue mood ring teeters between light blue and dark blue, this is nothing to cause alarm. Just as a light blue mood ring means relaxation and calm, a deeper dark blue mood ring simply means that you’re at an even more elevated level of calm. The light blue mood ring color is achieved when your body is at its most comfortable resting temperature, your neutral temperature. The dark blue mood ring color is achieved when you’re at your peaceful and calm state with just a touch of heat. This is often how we feel when thinking about the ones we love, or after having achieved a great goal, and even when we gift someone something. Why would these feelings create that "touch of heat"?
Can you think of the quick but small rush of warmth you get when you give someone a gift? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a present either. I myself notice this rush of warmth when I give my loved one a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. How about that giddy feeling when your significant other sends you an "I love you" text midday for no reason? A rush of warmth again. Though your blood may be pumping after graduation due to excitement, the next day your body will be tired, but still elated, another rush of warmth. All of these things keep our bodies at a slightly higher than regulated temperature, and this can be one of the major determining factors in the depth of your blue mood rings color.
In short, congratulations! You must be happy and contented. Whether that’s in love, from accomplished goals, or due to your giving nature; these are all wonderful things to be thankful for.

What does purple mean on a mood ring?
If small touches of warmth creates the deep blue mood ring hue then following that, the darker purple color can only hint at one thing. If that warmth has blossomed into something more grand than you anticipated, then you can expect to see your purple mood ring enraptured and in love as well. We will start with the most obvious solution first, which once again is your body temperature. If you were running on the treadmill, it would be somewhat crazy to think that you were feeling amorous in that particular moment. If you are, then you are quite the unique individual. Most of us are not thinking of conceiving romantic interludes while huffing and puffing at the gym. If you aren’t working out, dashing to the post office, or laying on the beach in the hot sun, your purple mood ring may be telling you something.
Romantic moments with a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband can cause your mood ring to turn purple. This can be in a contented romantic way, or happen in more heated moments. Interoperate that last statement in your own way. There are many types of love that can stir this warmth within you though that are less obvious. Your mood ring may turn a lighter shade of purple when you’re playing board games with dear friends and family members whom you love. Picking on your brother or sister in a playful fashion can also turn your mood ring purple.
Does your ring not turn purple when you’re with your significant other? Don’t read too much into this. When considering relationships a purple mood ring can be frequently anticipated when you first begin dating, but an already ripened and experienced love may more frequently result in a blue mood ring. Why is this? When you first begin dating someone you have what is generally referred to as "the honeymoon phase". This means someone is brand new, very exciting and unpredictable. This frequently cause a purple hued mood ring as a result of your ever-beating heart and fast pumping blood when they come around. When you’ve been dating someone for a long time, being around them will still excited you, but with true love, their presence becomes a constant calming and peaceful factor in your life. If you truly trust someone you love, then their very presence will bring you peace. This peaceful state causes the deep blue mood ring. If your ring barely turns purple around your loved one, do not waste your time worrying about your relationship, but revel in the fact that instead you have surpassed an amorous state.

What does black mean on a mood ring?
The dreaded black mood ring. Once again we may refer to a common saying, "their mood was black as night". As you can imagine, this is not a desirable state of being. The black mood rings meaning symbolizes depression, fear, stress, and sorrow. With that said, don’t panic if your mood ring sits at black pretty frequently. The most likely culprit is poor circulation. Working in an office with poor quality central heating in the middle of January will probably never result in a purple or blue mood ring. Your mood ring will probably remain at a resolute black for most of January and February.
With that said, if you aren’t working or living in what feels like an Alaskan barn, you may have other pressing concerns to deal with. There are so many things you could experience anxiety over from exams, to problems at work, personal family matters, and even undiscovered health issues. To start with, the most basic reason for a blackened mood ring could be your health. If you aren’t functioning under cold temperatures daily, in general seem pretty happy, and yet your mood ring continues to be black, you should consider getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Your circulation may be very poor, or you may not be eating enough. If you have a black mood ring every day without the interference of outside forces, you should consider having a general check up with your doctor.
If your black mood ring isn’t a result of a fore frontal health issue, then try to examine how you feel about what’s happening around you in your life. When you feel overly stressed it’s natural for you to feel like your heart is being slightly constricted. If you feel stress and anxiety, try some deep breathing and light stretching throughout your arms and upper torso to open up your chest. This will allow for deep calm breathing and help to aid your heart with that constricted feeling. Deal with your bodies stress where you are able too.
If you’re dealing with anger and resentment towards a loved one, co-worker, or family member, then there may only be two cures for this. Talk out your problems with the offending party, or if that’s not possible, then only time will heal your wounds. This could also be the result of losing a loved one. It’s not an easy path, but it’s one you must walk. Relieving yourself of this pain and worry will only help to re-stabilize your body and ease your suffering, but this is more easily said than done.
What is a mood ring?
Through our extensive list of both physical and mental explanations, you should be able to figure out what the color of your mood ring means to you. Hopefully with this mood ring guide you can address issues that maybe you weren’t fully aware that you had, discover new things about yourself, or even share your emotions more easily with those around you. Though a mood ring most commonly changes colors solely based off of the temperatures of our bodies, the true discernment of the reason for those body temperature changes is understanding where they originated from in the first place.
There are two ways or reasons to wear a mood ring. You either wear mood rings because they’re fun for you and you like to see generalities about your emotions, or you wear a mood ring and use it as a tool to further understand your reactions to the things and people around you. If you can learn to perform the latter, then not only will you master your mood ring, but you will master the art of understanding yourself.